Tuesday, June 15, 2021

My Nissan Skyline GTR Diecast Collection

Hi Guys!

How are you? Hope that all of you in the best of health. Sorry for not posting as frequent as before since a bit busy with daily life and workload 😆😆😆 

Well In today post, I would like to share my Nissan Skyline GTR diecast collection which I really love so much. Not much but some of the models are quite hard to find nowadays.

Tomica Premium No. 34 Nissan Skyline GT-R [KPGC10] (Released date: 2019)

Tomica Premium No. 04 Nissan Skyline GTS-R (Released date: 2019)

Tomica Premium No. 20 Nissan Skyline HT 2000 Turbo RS (Released date: 2016)

Tomica Premium No. 01 Tomica Skyline Turbo Super Silhouette (Released date: 2018)

Dream Tomica No. 141 Initial D Skyline GT-R (R32) (Released date: May 2015). You can read my Initial D Tomica collection in this post > CLICK <

Tomica Premium No. 13 Nissan Skyline GT-R [R33](Released date: 2016)

Tomica Premium No. 11 Nissan Skyline GT-R V-spec II Nür [R34](Released date: 2014)

Tomica Premium No. 01 Nismo R34 GT-R Z-tune (Released date: 2014)

Tomica No. 78 Nissan GT-R Nismo 2020 Model (Released date: 2018/2019)

My Hot Wheels Nissan Skyline GTR R33 from The Fast & Furious Saga (Yellow) and Tomica Premium No. 13 Nissan Skyline GT-R. Both have superb details 👍. You can read my old post regarding my Fast & Furious saga diecast collection in this post > CLICK <

Tomica R34. My favorite would be the Z-tune of course. Still remember when I was younger, I put it as my laptop wallpaper. Beautiful beast 😍

wish I could own the actual model one day as car collection 😄

The GTR R35. From left Tomica (white), Hotwheels (Grey), RMZ (white)

GTR assembled!!!! 

Well these are some of my favorite GTR model that I managed to collect. Will collect some more models if I found  a good GTR diecast that suit my taste. Hope with this posting I able to share some insight to diecast collector out there which love to own the GTR diecast model.

Thank you and see you in the next post 😉