Hi guys!
As promised! In this post i would like to share with you my other ' race machine ' =p. Picture below.

My Mini 4WD
Actually i already kept this machine aka mini 4WD in my store room for about 7-8 years. I can still remember anime that aired during our childhood which is Dash Yankuro. Still remember? During that time i was one of the kid who really addicted to the anime and really wanted to become the 'next mini 4WD racer'. LOL.
I can still remember last time. What i want to achieve is to have the fastest engine from others. I can say that I've spent a lot during that time but i don't regret that =) What the most important this is i can learn about engine , handling , DIY and whatsoever.
Nowadays, I can see that this mini 4WD is very different in design. Not like last time. The body is wider and the design is a bit peculiar. Haha. Maybe, that's just me. After doing some research on it and consult one of my brother's friend , which is very pioneer with this mini 4WD machine said that today's race is not just about horsepower. It's all about handling. What's the point of having a fast machine but in the middle, the machine jump off from the circuit.
By the way, according to my brother's friend, my machine can classified as 'super car' in today's race since the power generated from the motor is high and from the design of the body. But he also said that if i want to compete in today's race, i have to buy a new shell since today's rules & regulation don't approve this kind of shell. Don't know why. Hmmm. Maybe i'll try to consult other mini 4WD racers to confirm this matter.